Made Vikings irresistible since 793

Natural soaps made from Norse recipes

Made Vikings irresistible since 793

Norse soap made Vikings irresistible

Did you know that the Vikings were the cleanliest people in Europe? I fVikings were far more concerned with personal hygiene and appearance compared to other Europeans. They washed daily with soap and water, and bathed once a week, as opposed to Europeans who bathed at most once a year and drowned bodily odors in perfume. “Laugardagr”, the Norse word for Saturday, literally means “wash day”.

The English noble, John of Wallingford, had this to say about the Vikings:
“… thanks to their habit of combing their hair every day, of bathing every Saturday and regularly changing their clothes, [they] were able to undermine the virtue of married women and even seduce the daughters of nobles to be their mistresses.”

Our own “volve”, a seeress, makes these magical soaps from old Norse recipes. Only the finest raw materials will do, from Lofoten, Vesterålen, and faraway lands. We call it Norse Viking Soap, and even the gods want some to wash themselves.

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